5 min readApr 24, 2020


Trance and the Humans.

Introduction :

I happened to watch this movie on a Quarantine Friday night, having no real happiness of the approaching weekend. Because I’ve to work from home the next day(sigh). The initial 20–30 minutes was like moving on a punctured bicycle. It was going nowhere. As they say, you have to wait for the fruit. Oh yes, it came. The movie was nothing but a bundle of some real human psychological conversations and emotions which tempted me to watch and write this.

Here you can neither find reviews nor the hidden details which are all over the media. This is an attempt to elaborate the theme of the movie. But I would like to add one thing, being a Christian majority state and accepting this movie shows the maturity of the people and braveness of the movie makers.

The core of the movie is based on the stressed/depressed humans, who seek a way to get out of it themselves. Failing results in a desperate attempt to seek other’s help. This is where it all starts to fall apart. In a money-minded world, trust and honesty are nothing but being dramatic and sarcastic. With this evolving trend, a mix of religion/ caste can return you with bags of freshly printed currencies.

Human Emotions :

Since this movie evolves in and around humans and their behaviors, I am listing down some of them found in the movie,

Stress :

Every single character, starting from the Lead Viju Prasad/Pastor Joshua Carlton to the cameo role Thomas everybody are under some stress. But what differs, is their situation and how they manage it. For me, Viju Prasad/Pastor Joshua Carlton stands out in stress management.

When he feels stressed, the very first thing he used to do is to stay away from people. He then talks to himself, to be confident and finally he does a soundless clapping. After all this, he wears a smile and presents himself to others.

Depression :

The characters Viju Prasad / Pastor Joshua Carlton, Esther Lopez and kunju are the major characters who are under depression. The major cause of depression is ignorance. Here Viju is being ignored by his mother, the people he approaches for work and so on. Esther, on the other hand was ignored by her parents for her relationship, whereas Kunju was ignored by his very own mother and brother.

To avoid being depressed, Viju chased his goal, Esther chased drugs and Kunju chased death. To escape depression, diversion is the foremost important thing. The way of diversion lies within individual.

Mood swing :

As they say, “ One leads to an other”. Stress and depression are the major causes of mood swing. Here Kunju is the one suffering from mood swing. And he chose a long-lasting solution, death.

Confidence :

For me, confidence is nothing but believing in oneself under any circumstances. Here the power of confidence can be seen via pastor Joshua Carlton. The way he carries himself stands out and makes him a leader, earns him the followers. Being confident makes you a complete human. Following are some of the qualities confidence you earn by being confident,

The way of Handing the situation:

The way pastor Joshua Carlton manages the interview with Mathew Varghese, was a simple example of him being confident which makes him handle the situation calmly. Even though, all the earned money and his reputation were on the line.

The way of utilizing the situation:

Utilizing the situation is very different from handling it. For Utilizing any situation, one should know how to handle it. The answers in the interview were very straight, making him look like an avatar in front of the innocent audiences. Ultimately adding to his reputation.

In another instance, Mathew Varghese takes his friend to the “Miracle Live show”. He false claims that his friend can’t walk. Since it is Mathew, he senses something fishy, uses a different approach and once again making a mark. This time a bit harder and louder.

Difference between a leader and a blind follower:

A leader is someone who should inspire, aspire and should be like a mentor. For which, one needs to be confident, must have human management skills and the presence of mind which attracts people, earning him followers. Doubtlessly, pastor Joshua Carlton carries this out well. One can argue, that the whole plan was not of Pastor Joshua Carlton but was of Solomon and Issac. Let me tell you, making a plan is way different from bravely executing a plan.

A blind follower is someone who believes his leader blindly without actually using his common sense or failing to hear the people around him. This was brilliantly pulled off by the character Thomas.

Seeing is not believing:

This can be explained by two different scenarios in the movie. Firstly, Below the stage and to the media, pastor Joshua Carlton appears to be the boss. But actually, it was Solomon and Issac who were operating him. And secondly, the patients who pastor Joshua Carlton cures during ‘Miracle Live Show’ are paid made up’s.

Three types of people:

There is a dialogue in the movie in which Solomon says to Viju, “There are only two kinds of people, the masters and the slaves”. But let me reveal the third deadliest type, they are neither masters nor slaves. They tend to live like a slave but they directly help the masters to be masters and slaves to die as slaves. Sad but the majority of us on the planet come under this type. The patients who pastor Joshua Carlton cures during the ‘Miracle Live Show’ are the deadliest ones.

Who is God?:

In a conversation between Solomon and Viju, Solomon says that the belief of humans in the existence of power is god”. God is one of man’s many inventions just to blame someone when things are not working his way and put pressure on someone when he requires something. Some may believe god’s existence and some may not. It depends on the individual.

Demise :

Alike Sleeping and awaking, demise is a human activity. More often, the dependencies we create wants us to avoid performing this act. From the dependency’s point of view, we will be missed. But nothing can stop any human from performing this activity.

The morality of Trance:

Although the movie deals with “religion”, it ends with the word “Drug”. Stating both kills when the consumption level is high.

What I would like to add is that, through our body, the soul exists. The body is temporary and the soul is permanent. The definition of our life is to earn atleast four people, who could mourn our death. So live life to the fullest without disturbing anyone around. Be good, treat everyone equally irrespective of gender, caste, religion, social status or their behavior. Everybody acts/behaves based on what they have faced and learn’t on their life. So never judge anyone. Everyone has their wish and their reasons for it. So don’t try to control anyone.

Nobody is perfect, so let’s stop judging other’s imperfection. I hope everybody gets an eventful, fruitful, wonderful, beautiful and successful life.




A geek whose life was programmed against his will!